Eberron campaign log

November 8, 2006

The Tome of Strahd

"It has come to our attention that the Emerald Claw is seeking the Tome of Strahd, an ancient book which dates from the days of Karrn's conquests, before the formation of Galifar. This tome is believed to lie in Barovia, a remote county on Karrnath's eastern border, and it's said to contain necromantic secrets unknown to modern spellcasters... not something which we want the Emerald Claw to get their hands on."

"Barovia is remote, even for Karrnath. Getting there won't be easy. It's nestled in the mountains between Karrnath proper and the Mror holds. We don't know much about it. It has been ruled by the von Zarovich line since Karrn's days, and while it's technically a part of Karrnath, in practice it has been independent and rarely visited."

"I should warn you that the Emerald Claw might not be the only ones who are looking, or who will start looking soon. It's not clear just how widespread this knowledge has become, but the tome's value should be obvious, as should its danger."

"I can arrange for your travel to Karrnath, at least as far as the eastern border along the lightning rail line. From there you'll have to walk, or ride if you can manage it, although the mountains aren't a good place for horses."

"While we don't know much about Barovia or its current conditions, Karrnath's reputation as a hotbed of necromatic power isn't entirely undeserved. If you're willing to go, I'll give you a few things to help you deal with the trouble you might run into there... although in all honesty I don't know if Barovia shares the rest of Karrnath's nature on that count, although the rumors certainly suggest it."

"I'll also issue you a disbursement to cover any expenses that arise along the way, or to equip yourself before you leave. The sooner, the better."

"I'll make you the same offer as last time: Two thousand gold each to return with that tome. Agreed? I'll also issue you traveling papers so that you can move through Karrnath. Make sure that your own papers are in order. Karrnath is still under martial law, and you don't want to be caught without proper identification. As for right of marque, I can't grant you that within Karrnath's boundaries, but if you manage to profit within the bounds of the law there, that's not my concern."

The letter

Hail to thee of might and valor:

I, a lowly servant of the township of Barovia, send honor to thee. We plead for thy so desperately needed assistance within our community.

The love of my life, Ireena Kolyana, has been cursed by the witches of Lysaga Hill, and even the good people of our town are powerless to free her from this enchantment. She wastes away under the witches' curse and I would have her saved from this menace.

There is much wealth in this community. I offer all that might be had to thee and thy fellows if thou shalt but answer my desperate plea.

Come quickly, for her time is at hand! All that I have shall be thine!

Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia.

A missing husband

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but my husband, Jeref Maurgen, went to Barovia three months ago to..." she pauses, as if uncertain whether to speak it, but then presses on.

"He went there after hearing rumors of beasts in the woods, and he went armed with silversheen and wolfsbane. I care not for the rumors, but please, if you would, find my husband, or at least find out what happened to him. If he lives no longer, then please return his wedding ring, so that I have something to remember him by."

"I know, I shouldn't give up hope so easily. But it has been three months with no word, and Barovia is so ill of repute. I fear that there will be no return for him... but I must know the truth."

"I don't know where he is now. He was always a bold one, like yourselves. There were rumors of beasts in the woods, even of dark shapeshifters, which is why he went armed as he did. All the same, that land is cursed, and there is no telling what he might have met there.

November 15

Mist blanketed the village, smothering the streets and marooning the buildings, forming an archipelago of crumbling masonry in a gray, hopeless sea.

At the village's lonely edge, most structures were abandoned, burnt-out hulks. Charcoal was thick on the air, but that choking odor couldn't overpower the underlying, sickly sweet smell of carrion and spoilage. Claw marks raked some of the vacant homes, ominous not merely because of their presence, but because of the five-fingered, handlike shape they suggested.

Farther inward, most buildings survived. Doors were barricaded with tables, broken carts, and smashed furnishings. Windows were shuttered and planked. But had anyone been saved? Silencewas thick in the fog-bound streets, as though from cotton stuffed into the ears. Nothing living stirred, nothing breathing walked the streets.

But where the living were absent, the newly dead shambled. And hunger, too, raw and unstoppable, stalked the village, multiplying with each new corpse that kicked and shuddered its way back toward animation.

A hunger that could never be slaked. An infection that could never be stemmed.

November 22

Rough barricades block most of the access to the town square; however, the eastern barricade has been breached, and zombies are swarming through the opening. A woman in half-plate armor which bears the insignia of Dol Arrah is near the center of the town square and valiantly fighting the zombies, but she is heavily outnumbered. Lights can be seen within one of the nearby buildings, through heavy shutters and a stoutly-barred door.

November 29

"I and my two companions arrived not long ago ourselves. We'd heard that Barovia was thick with the undead, and as Lightbringers we're sworn to destroy them wherever they're found, but this was beyond our imaginings. The townspeople believe that the zombies are coming from the village church."

"Thendrick and Mathilda, my companions, went to investigate. Everyone told them to talk to Madam Eva first - she's some sort of wise woman who lives west of town. But they wouldn't listen, the arrogant clods. They went to the church, confident that they could handle whatever they found inside. That was three days ago. I haven't heard from them since, and I haven't been able to venture beyond this square."

Ismark's story

"The priest, Danovich, has long used his power to ward the village against evil, but his vigil lapsed when his son Doru was slain by brigands on the Old Svalich Road. No one knows what became of Danovich, but the zombies began to walk soon afterward. That's why the Lightbringers went to the church. The zombies came from there to begin with, though they rise all around us now."

"So the zombies didn't get my father, and he has not risen as a zombie... or hadn't last I knew. My sister remains at our home, guarding his body. She won't leave the manor, and won't let anyone in for fear that the zombies will invade."

"Though I fear that she is in danger from another source. My father did not die naturally. The master of the castle, or his servants, were the ones who slew Kolyan Indirovich. A few months ago, that devil Strahd tried to pay us a visit. I don't know why."

"My father bravely stood up to him, using the holy symbol of Ravenkind. It hurt Strahd and drove him away, but one morning we woke to find our father dead from poison, and after that, the power of the amulet faded. It no longer worked for me or for my sister, else we might have wielded it against the zombies."

"The devil Strahd is the lord of Castle Ravenloft. He is a powerful man, and a wicked one, but he holds this town in his sway. His servants are everywhere in this land, and what he desires, few dare deny him. My father dared, and paid the price."

"Speak with Madam Eva if you would help us. She is a wise woman, and perhaps she'll read your future."

'That probably won't take long,' Aimi mutters, but nods. 'We'll try.'

"Follow the road west out of town. When you get to the crossroads, take the northern path. Or you may follow the river west once you cross the bridge. Either will take you to the encampment at Tser Pool where the Vistani and Madam Eva make their home."

The woman before you is enormous, for a moment seeming more like an ogre or a small giant than the ancient, wrinkled human she is. She hunches over a table that is dwarfed by her bulk, and her black eyes gleam as she shuffles a deck of weathered playing cards. Her hands are bony and spotted with age. When she speaks, her voice crackles like dry weeds.

December 6

The minutes seem to drag on to hours before the gray, sagging edifice of wood and stone looms out of the mists before you, squatting atop a slight rise on the very roots of the great pillarstone which crests far above, with the castle unseen atop its pinnacle. Light flickers through holes burned through the roof shingles, and the sound of hoarse chanting can be heard within.

December 13

December 20

"There is a book, the Tome of Strahd, that might shed light on the steps necessary to destroy the monster of the castle. It is well known that Strahd kept meticulous notes from ancient times on all he did or said. Perhaps some weakness of his could be found there."

"This tome was once located in Ravenloft's library, but now I'm not sure where it is. I asked Madam Eva about it, and she mumbled something indecipherable. Why do seers always speak in riddles?"

"Ireena Kolyana is not the natural daughter of Kolyan Indirovich. Ireena never knew, but old Kolyan found her one day at the edge of the Svalich Woods near the very foot of Ravenloft's crag. She was but a girl then and had no memory of her past. Kolyan adopted her as though she were his own and loved her dearly."

January 17

(Seeing Neraya.) 'One of Gertruda's knights... you know she was safe here. Safe in this room her entire life! She was happy here, had everything she ever wanted! Why would she run away!?'

(Asked who Gertruda was.) 'Gertruda... my daughter... my only child. Oh, my poor Gertruda! The master of the castle has you now, I know it! I know the worst has come to pass!" she wails, then falls back into mumbling. "The real world was too harsh, too dangerous. I had to keep her here... keep her safe. Oh, my poor Gertruda!'

An aged and dilapidated mansion squats behind a rusting iron fence at the far end of the road, where it turns west and curves back towards the north. The gates have been twisted open - one lies torn from its hinges, while the other swings loose, squeaking and squealing with every small motion. The house beyond is marked by claws, fires, and ominous stains. Every window is boarded, but the front door has recently been unbarricaded.

It's the largest building you've seen in Barovia thus far, though it also seems to have suffered from the attacks more than any other. Only the fact that it was once of fine quality has preserved it from utter ruin.

You wait a few moments before the sound of the door being unbarred precedes its opening. A haunted-looking young woman stands within, regarding you respectfully despite her distress. "Come in," she bids you. "We need to talk."

Neraya mentioned the old woman and her 'Gertruda'; it turned out that the woman is Mad Mary. "Mary loved her daughter wholeheartedly, and her mind shattered with grief when Gertruda vanished. It..." Ireena hesitates again, seeming briefly troubled. "Gertruda's fate isn't known, but many suspect that Strahd took her. And she's not the only one he may have his heart set on."

"Ismark told you about my father? Strahd came one night, not long ago. I didn't know what Strahd wanted at the time, but my father resisted his commands and held him off with the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. It drove Strahd back, hurt him... but ultimately, my father paid with his life. He was poisoned soon after. It had to be Strahd."

Neraya asked about a 'nasty night bitey man'. "Strahd is a vampire, yes. He has been the lord of Barovia for generations, the last of the von Zarovich line as far as I know. He's more than a vampire, though. He seems to be part of the valley, and the valley part of him. I don't understand it, but I know that he has powers beyond those of an ordinary vampire, and he doesn't suffer the same weaknesses."

Lesta asked why Ireena stayed in the house. "I remained here while the zombies were about. My father died of poison, not at the hands of the zombies, so he didn't rise as one. But I kept vigil, just to be sure... Now, I find that I have another reason to worry."

"It is me that Strahd wants, or so he says. I've had awful dreams where he chases me, and when he catches me he kisses me and calls me Tatyana. [She doesn't know the name, but we suspect it's the name she was given at birth.] At least, I thought they were dreams, but I'm not so sure that they are. When I wake, I find these..." She pulls back the collar of her shirt to reveal two marks on her neck, clearly made by bites. "It seems as if I'm dreaming, but how could these be the result of a dream? I don't know what's happening or why he seeks me, but I know that Strahd wishes to claim me for himself. And he'll stop at nothing to do so."

She straightens, seemingly resolved to something despite the troubled look. "Do you intend to challenge Strahd?" she asks directly.

Lesta said we did. "Then I'm going with you," she says, as if it's already decided. "I can't hope to resist him on my own. The Holy Symbol ceased to work for us when my father died, and something evil slipped in and stole it in the dead of night anyway. But you stopped the zombie invasion. No one else in Barovia could. Strahd is more dangerous than any number of zombies... but you're the first glimmer of hope we've had here since his reign began."

January 31

"Alas, I think you've misplaced my importance. The holy symbol of Ravenkind must be woken by performing a special ceremony, but not one easily met. Whomever is to awaken it must first slay a vampire whilst wearing the symbol, then conduct a prayer vigil to the gods of light and good, including an offering or sacrifice."

"Slaying the vampire, I'm afraid, may be the easiest part of your task. The prayer vigil must be conducted in the depths of Castle Ravenloft itself; Ravenovia is the one who bore its name, for she was the one in whose name our order was founded. Her tomb lies far beneath the castle, now shrouded by the evil which claims it, yet still it remains holy."

About the Sunsword:

"I have heard mention of the Tome, but I know little about it save for its vile nature. The Sunsword... a tragic tale lies behind that, but in truth it is the other relic of this land which might challenge Strahd's power. It has long since been lost, and Strahd took care to destroy its power in the mists of the past. But a prayer vigil and offering might restore it still; the lore of my order suggests that platinum is the most appropriate offering, though not required. Its hilt, you see, was once wrought of platinum, and has since been shattered and lost."

(Aimi suggested involving the Lightbringer if we get to the point of that prayer vigil. Ashlyn seemed devout enough to give good vigil!)

About Lysaga Hill:

"Lysaga Hill is a place of evil, that much is true. Saint Ecaterina sought to sanctify it, but ill took hold of that dream and all that remains now is the shattered husk of the monastery she had built. While there are dark-hearted souls who gather there on certain nights, and they are certainly a danger, the place is haunted always by the souls of those who died there. Tread carefully."

February 7

Lysaga Hill

The forest parts around the peak of a large hill, a spur of bare rock jutting up from the earth. Near the hill's highest point, you can see a blackened tower of crumbling stone, the ruins of some ancient site. Angry-looking storm clouds churn in the sky overhead, as if spurred by your approach towards this landmark.

The burned out tower is a husk of a building, with only three portions of its tall outer wall still reaching some twenty feet off the ground. Within their bounds, shorter stone walls, about ten feet high, delineate the chambers of the ancient site, while piles of rubble choke much of the open space. A sensation of grief and loss emanates from these forlorn ruins, threatening melancholy beyond what the physical disrepair would engender in you.

"Hail and good fortune, you for whom this discovery is destined. I will not trouble you with the details of my coming, or my likely death, but know that I have been moved by the hand of gods and prophecy alike to bring these relics to the place where Ecaterina's dream lies dead, slain by the taint which clouds this land."

"Though I know you not, nor your natures, one whom I trust and faith which I hold lead me to believe that these four items shall match your needs and natures as you take part in the events which swirl around you, events writ bold in the language of prophecy."

"For the Queen of Swords: A crown in the image of the sacred raven of this land."

"For the Queen of Coins: A weapon against the darkness."

"For the Queen of Wands: The Skin of the Dragon."

"For the King of Wands: A tool after his namesake."

"May the Nine and the prophecy guide and protect you. Farewell."

February 14

February 21