Eberron campaign log

June 14

The briefing

"I represent an element of the King's Citadel known as the Dark Lanterns," he says. "We perform certain intelligence-related duties for King Boranel. We need adventurers of skill and action who can bring a rogue agent back to us - alive, if possible. If you're willing to swear to keep secret what you're about to hear, I'll tell you more."

"Good," Viorr says. "One of our best agents, Lucan Stellos, disappeared two days ago. Yesterday, a high-security vault we maintain here in Sharn was compromised, and a powerful magical sword was stolen. Shorlty before dawn this morning, Lucan was spotted leaving Sharn by the east road. We want you to catch him and bring him and the sword back."

"We'll pay you two thousand gold each to return Lucan alive, plus another five hundred each if you recover the sword. If Lucan dies, we'll pay you a thousand gold each for proof of his passing. Either way, we need Lucan back here - or dead so that he can't betray us. The price is nonnegotiable. Let's just pretend that we haggled, you won, and these are the terms we arrived at."

"Oh, and there's one other complication. Based on eyewitness accounts and the condition of the bodies left near the vault, Lucan appears to have gained powers he never had before. Still interested?"

"We aren't sure about the extent of them [the powers]. He's a master of disguise, but that's a trained ability. He was able to command an otherwise-loyal agent into opening the vault. He shrugged off attacks that should have brought down a normal man. He walked down the side of a tower just as you or I would walk across this room. Could be the sword, but he displayed some of these powers before he got his hands on it."

Viorr starts pulling papers out of the satchel. "I'm going to go through this quickly, so pay attention.

Here's a picture of Lucan, done by one of the King's artists. Lucan is a male human, well-trained in both combat and espionage."

"Here's a picture of the black coach he was seen traveling in as he passed through the east gate."

"Here are traveling papers that identify you as working for the King of Breland. Through House Vadalis, we've arranged to have magebred horses waiting for you in a stable near the east gate. Consider them an additional payment; we'll settle with House Vadalis later."

"Here's a letter of credit. If you run into unanticipated expenses, present it at any House Kindarak bank and you'll receive a cash advance. A friendly warning: King Boranel doesn't like to see his gold spent frivolously, so save the letter of credit until you really need it."

"The sword is called the soul blade, and it has a bug ruby in the pommel. Our mages say it radiates evil, so be careful with it."

"We don't know what Lucan's intentions are, but we do have a clue based on a search of his living quarters. Based on some notes he made - notes he thought he destroyed - we know he's going to Trolanport in Zilargo. The only other word we were able to salvage from the notes was 'krell'. We have no idea who or what a krell is."

"Good. I wish I could send help with you, but I don't know if Lucan has any allies within the Citadel, so I can't take that chance."

June 21

June 28

July 5

July 12

House Medani information

"Krell, you say?" one of the Medani agents - an older, matronly woman with a least dragonmark of her own - replies to Aimi's inquiry. "Well, there's an Aundairian diplomat here in Trolanport, goes by the name of Neya ir'Krell. That's the only Krell that I've heard of in the city. Now that you mention it, there's to be a high-society function at the embassy tonight."

"A masquerade ball. They hold one every year, you know. Should be lots of music and dancing, and whatever else diplomats do when the sun goes down and the moons rise. Not that you'd be involved in any of that, would you my dear?"

"Neya's a her, dear. And those functions are by invitation only, naturally. Anyone who's anyone in diplomatic circles will be attending, of course, but they don't invite the general public..."

She looks Aimi up and down. "You'll need an invitation, and you'll certainly need more appropriate attire. They won't let someone all travel-stained and war-ready into a ball. There's a seamstress just up the street, specializes in costumery for these sorts of things. Why don't you give her a try?"

"The invitation..." She smiles conspiratorially. "You strike me as someone who's bold and creative. I'm sure that you can come up with something, my dear."

July 19

August 2

August 16

August 30

September 6

The Cloud's Destiny

The ship has a three-deck arrangement. Top deck is open-air, of course. The passenger lounge is in the middle area, as are the stairs down. The rear houses the wheelhouse superstructure from which the ship is guided, as well as top-deck storage. The captain and crew rotate shifts in the wheelhouse, where they command the elemental which powers the ship.

The second deck (first below) is the passenger deck, with the passenger cabins and dining towards the forequarters and the rear sections housing the galley, the ballistae, and some crew.

The bottom deck (second below) is the cargo deck, where most of the crew quarters are located, along with the cargo areas and more armaments. There are apparently two types of cargo hold on the bottom deck. Common cargo is held in the main cargo area, while secure storage holds more valuable - or dangerous - items.

There are no glass windows below; by necessity the hull is solid, save where the weapon platforms are located. The primary protection is the four-foot rail around the outside of the upper deck... and the typical caution of those flying aboard such a vessel.

September 13

September 20

Enter the vampire. (And exit the vampire, double-quick.)

One of the lockers that line the corridor walls suddenly glows with a discharge of arcane energy. As the glow dims, the locker door swings open, revealing a large, featureless, and dark chamber beyond, far larger than could fit within the locker's physical space.

Lucan steps forth from the locker, and glances at you - and at Aimi in particular - with one mocking eyebrow raised. "Still on the chase, m'dear?" he asks even as he fades into a fine gray mist and rises up towards the ceiling, vanishing through the decking above...

Exit the vampire, part ad nauseam; and a collision course

The entire crew and the Emerald Claw soldiers who stayed atop have either slaughtered one another or been slaughtered - all but one, who meets his end under the fangs of a familiar-looking figure to one side of the main deck even as you emerge up top; the soldier's body is casually tossed over the side as the blood-faced Lucan looks at you and grins.

"Better late than never, eh?" he exclaims lightly. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got places to go, you understand. And by the looks of what's coming, so do you." He nods over your shoulder into the depths of the dark night air.

Grilsha is here too, hovering above deck. With a word, she vanishes, even as Lucan steps off the side and fades into mist, blending with the night.

It quickly becomes clear what he means, however...

There's a second airship approaching, lit only by its own lights and the faint shadows of the moons above as they pierce the clouded sky. The faint green of its trim betrays it as the vessel which must have dropped the soldiers off on your ship, but this time it's not coming to drop anyone off... it's heading prow-first for the side of the Cloud's Destiny at full speed...

September 27

Lesta's flight

Lesta, meanwhile, drifts sedately through the air, her leap having carried her clear of the descending wreckage on draconic wings.

The two ships smash themselves to pieces below her, sending a cloud of dust high aloft. It's strange, that - the night around Lesta would be serenely peaceful except for that one small detail..

Shrouded in the light of the moons, the landscape is dimly lit, showing open plains all around - the mountains left far to the south. And not far to the north are more lights - the lights of a village or two, perhaps; Lucan's destination as he stepped from the ship? Very possibly, as dawn can't be that far away, and he will need shelter from the sun...

October 4

Warforged assault

You see a large, cloaked figure with a longsword at the throat of a fellow passenger - anelderly human woman who appears frightened almot to the point of panic. Several more figures are rapidly approaching from further back, emerging from the rear cargo cart. And as if that wasn't enough of a shock, a fierce-looking halfling on a winged creature soars past the window outside at almost the same moment!

The lead cloaked figure spots your arrival almost immediately, and simply draws its sword across the old woman's throat, slaying her; her body slumps to the ground in a pool of blood. The figure's free hand points towards you, and you recognize it as the metallic plating of an adamantine warforged. "We have questions for you," it states, a warforged voice echoing within the hood. "You know where the schema is."

"The schema that you took from the Mournland. The Lord of Blades wants it. You will tell us where it is, or you will die." The figure is slowly approaching as it speaks, bloody blade out before it. The other four, weapons drawn, are following close behind.

October 11

October 18

The pyramid

You arrive at the foot of the steps to gaze up at the ancient temple now towering over you. The steps lead up to a broad doorway which opens into darkness. A figure briefly appears in that doorway - Lucan. He stares down at you from the height above, then melts back into the shadows of its depths...

Now alert, you ascend to the opening and venture within. The polished gray marble walls give way to a square room whose walls are patterned in a wavy style reminiscent of the ocean. Two rows of columns stretch towards another doorway on the far side, and each column has 8-inch-diameter discs raised along its surface, giving them a distinct resemblance to octopus tentacles.

As you take in this scene, in the light of your magical lantern, and unnerving, eerie moan begins to echo throughout the chamber, one which seems to invade your minds and set your nerves on edge more than could naturally be accounted for...

A dais with solid stone altar dominates this room. From the doorway, you can see a slot cut into the top of the altar, which rests in the room's center. Along the walls, faded frescoes of leering, red-skimmed demons face the door on the opposite side from you. Dozens of small hooks are embedded in the ceiling, and thick chains run from them to the altar's corners.

October 25

The hall of the vampire

Unlike the other chambers inside the ziggurat, flames from copper braziers mounted halfway up the walls provide light in this area. A high, vaulted ceiling stretches thirty feet up from the floor, providing enough room for a twenty-five-foot-tall statue of a bat-winged, ram-headed demon from an ancient age.

Between the statue's feet is a throne-like chair of black marble, and Lucan sits there, staring at Aimi through half-lidded eyes, a grim expression on his face. A series of low stone sarcophagi stands between her and the statue...

Lucan's tale

"I never wanted to betray Breland, but fate twice forced my hand."

"Which is why we're speaking now. You're here to destroy me and to recover the blade, and if you triumph then I want the record set straight."

"I imagine that the Dark Lanterns told you what I do for them... or rather, what I did. I served the Dark Lanterns loyally in that capacity for many years... but it was my undoing in the end. In the depths of Sharn, I discovered a spy network previously unknown to the Lanterns. I investigated it, of course... but in the end, they got the better of me, and I was taken to their master. A vampire lord who resides in the depths, Calderus. Against my will, I was made a vampire myself... and bound to Calderus's will."

"Any who are so transformed are enslaved to the will of their... creator. In any case, Calderus sought the soul blade, and sent me to retrieve it. As an agent of the Dark Lanterns, this was easy enough to orchestrate."

"I knew where and how to obtain it, although Calderus was so eager to have it that I was forced to acquire it in a more... direct fashion than I would otherwise have done. That was the first betrayal that was forced upon me. But then things took a direction which neither of us expected."

"The soul blade was created in Karrnath, and was meant to serve as an instrument of Karrnathi conquest. It has a will of its own... one which overwhelmed mine and even the command of Calderus over me. And so I was sent against my will a second time, in this case, the soul blade forcing me to carry it to Karrnath, where it could be reunited with its... masters in the Emerald Claw."

"Then again, it would be happy enough in the possession of any Karrnathi warlord. Anyone who would take up the Last War anew," he adds, almost as an afterthought.

"Calderus is furious. I know that from the link which is still shared, even though the soul blade has overcome it for this last while."

"It... is only as this last day's events have come to pass that I have been able to assert myself over the control of the soul blade. But I know that won't last. It's wearing at my will even now. And even without it, Calderus would simply re-assume control of me. A classic catch-twenty two."

Lesta asked: "Other than being slaying Calderus, is there being a way to breaking that bond?"

He shakes his head, and a certain tension creeps into his posture, as if he's straining against some unseen force. "No. Or at least, not that I know of. But I'm afraid that our time is about to come to an end. You need to destroy me, and I need to defend myself... better a slave than dead."

"There is one thing which I would like to know first," he continues, and now it's clear that he's holding back only with a great effort. "Is Grilsha still alive, or did you... finish her?"

Aimi said: 'We left her fighting against the warforged on the train. She was alive when last we saw her. I had rather assumed she would prevail, but... And your summary of our purpose was in error - we're ordered to capture you, if we can. And destroy you only as a last resort.'

"I see," he says, still suppressing his rage. "Not that it does any good in the end, with Calderus in control..."

A temporary solution

"We might find a permanent solution in Breland," Dorius suggests.

'It'll take more than a few minutes to get to Breland,' Aimi points out in neutral tones.

Lucan is silent for a moment, then says quietly, "Yes... but there's a way around that."

He grits his teeth for a moment, then says slowly, "Drive a stake into me. Keep it there during the return trip. Just keep me out of sunlight and out of water. Once we're back in Breland... Viorr can arrange something. But do it quickly, before this spell ends."

"And for the love of the gods, don't handle the soul blade. It will take control of you, just like it did to me."

'Fine,' Aimi nods shortly. 'Neraya?'

Neraya moves forward, stake at the ready.

Lucan's eyes narrow as Neraya raises the stake, and he braces himself for the impact, a fierce whisper escaping his lips. "For Breland!"

And then Neraya drives the stake home.