

We took a family holiday to Teignmouth, Devon. (The first part of the name is pronounced ‘tin’ in order to confuse tourists, but we foiled this plan by arriving by train with station announcements.) As the name suggests, the town is by a river mouth; we stayed in an old house near the river beach.


The weather for the first few days ran kind of English in the morning, then sunny in the afternoons – convenient for us since that coincided with low tide and certain members of the party wanted to play on the beach.

Mixed weather, looking south past Shaldon Ness.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′26″N 3°29′59″W
Peter Boat. Great surname for a boat.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′28″N 3°29′59″W
Beach huts, rear.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′28″N 3°29′58″W
Looking out to sea from the sea wall on the front.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′37″N 3°29′42″W

Teignmouth has a pier – of course, it’s the Grand Pier, even though it was never that big and the seaward half is fenced off and looks ready to collapse at the next winter storm.

Pier (who needs cross-braces anyway?) and shiny sand.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′39″N 3°29′39″W
Under the pier.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′38″W
Shiny sand, southward.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′39″N 3°29′39″W


We stayed about a minute’s walk from the old quay, inevitably called New Quay, which used to be where they shipped granite, but now appears to mainly used for tying up the pilot boat. There is a much newer and much larger quay a little further up the river, with actual ships still loading aggregates, I think. I don’t know what they named that one, Old Quay maybe?

Equipment stored in the middle of the quay.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′55″W
‘PILOTS’ boat and its floating access platform at high tide.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′56″W
Mooring ring.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′56″W

Again we went to the beach in the afternoon; before that, the tide was too high. Teignmouth’s beach is completely covered for quite a lot of the tide.

Grey sea and concrete in the morning.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′29″N 3°29′53″W
View south through wooden breakwater in the afternoon.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′37″N 3°29′41″W
Found rocks and sand channels.
1/2000 at f5, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′38″N 3°29′41″W


River at high tide, looking toward the bridge.
1/250 at f9, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′35″N 3°29′54″W

Another day with a rainy morning, but no worries because we went to the town museum. It’s a nice small museum in a fancy modern building.

It has a creepy doll…
1/60 at f3.2, 23mm, ISO1600
…and an air-raid siren (I think this is the bit that used to make the noise).
1/30 at f3.2, 23mm, ISO1600

The yacht club has a fancy building on the seafront.

Life jackets in the window.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′55″N 3°29′25″W
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′56″N 3°29′25″W


We took the ferry across the river to Shaldon. The ferry claims to be England’s oldest passenger ferry (in terms of how long it’s operated, not the actual boat, which seemed seaworthy). It was a short, fun, and inexpensive trip.

Beach huts viewed from ferry.
1/250 at f9, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′29″N 3°30′4″W
View out to sea from the other side.
1/500 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′19″N 3°29′59″W

On the other side, we climbed the Ness to visit Shaldon Zoo, which is a real zoo but is very small and consequently only has small animals, mostly monkeys.

And meerkats, posing.
1/50 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO160 50°32′13″N 3°29′54″W

There is a Smuggler’s Tunnel which goes down through the cliff face to the beach. It’s a very nice tunnel, although suspiciously well-constructed (and signposted) for smugglers. There’s an old lime kiln by the tunnel entrance; I’m not convinced it was ever profitable to smuggle lime…

Lime kiln, sunlight.
1/125 at f5, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′12″N 3°29′55″W
Lime kiln, looking up.
1/50 at f2.2, 2mm, ISO320 50°32′12″N 3°29′55″W
Tunnel (with family).
1/60 at f4.5, 23mm, ISO1600 50°32′12″N 3°29′55″W
The tunnel emerges onto the beach, presumably above high water.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′9″N 3°29′53″W
Despite this, the last tunnel section was rather wet underfoot.
1/30 at f4.5, 23mm, ISO1600 50°32′10″N 3°29′54″W

We took the ferry back again, which didn’t take long even though we had to wait for it to go and come back (too many passengers).

View from Shaldon back across to Teignmouth.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′18″N 3°29′57″W


We embarked on a morning walk to Dawlish, which is the next stop on the railway line. This is less than six kilometres but the longest walk our 4-year-old had ever done (he was fine).

Sun on the sea, pier, rowing boats.
1/2000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′39″N 3°29′41″W
Blue sky among clouds; sea looking flat.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′7″N 3°29′11″W

Sprey Point quay was built so they could bring in materials when building the railway. It now has a very large ‘Teignmouth’ sign (that you can see from said railway) and not much else.

Accessing the breakwater would have been difficult anyway.
1/500 at f10, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′17″N 3°28′57″W
Stone-built shed on Sprey Point.
1/500 at f10, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′18″N 3°28′58″W

The first part of the walk follows the sea wall right next to the railway line (there was a lot of waving at trains). After that it dips under the railway to go uphill on a small road called, obviously, Smugglers’ Lane.

Steps down from end of sea wall walk.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′43″N 3°28′28″W
Railway bridge with arches to sea.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′44″N 3°28′28″W

After climbing all the way to the top of the headland, inevitably the route took us all the way back down again, through a public park, into Dawlish.

View of Dawlish from up high.
1/250 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°34′35″N 3°28′3″W
Railway tunnel entrance.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°34′37″N 3°28′3″W
Railway and sea wall heading into Dawlish.
1/250 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°34′38″N 3°28′3″W

The sea wall in Dawlish looks new because in 2014 the railway (which is the only rail connection to the southwestern part of England) washed away in a storm, so they had to rebuild it.

Anyway, in Dawlish we had a very nice lunch at a Thai restaurant before playing on the beach a bit and then getting the train back.

Steps down from the jetty (there is no pier, so this is probably the Grand Jetty).
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°34′45″N 3°27′50″W
View from railway station.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°34′50″N 3°27′51″W

We had cakes in a Teignmouth tearoom.

Old and new buildings opposite, church tower peeking through, varied chimneys.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′49″N 3°29′35″W

Afterwards, my son and I took a short walk near the house.

Probably less tasty TEAZ. (On the quay.)
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′56″W
Lettering: ‘SeaQureHold’. Ouch. It’s an anchor for fish farms.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′55″W
Keats stayed here. Apparently he hated the joint. Nice shadows though.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′52″W
Pier looking quite nice in the afternoon light.
1/250 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′40″N 3°29′39″W
Just missing two seagulls for the full set.
1/2000 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO25 50°32′41″N 3°29′37″W

Later in the evening I took another walk before sunset.

Buildings on the quay.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160
Quay and its resident fishing boat.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160
Shutters and door.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160
Bay Hotel (ex) and roofline shadow.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160

The sun disappeared ahead of schedule behind low cloud in the west, but I took a few more photos before heading back.

Groynes, looking north along the coastline.
1/60 at f8, 23mm, ISO160
Pier and sea.
1/60 at f8, 23mm, ISO160
Grand entrance to the Grand Pier (closed for the night). Nice lettering, at least.
1/60 at f8, 23mm, ISO160


I dragged our son out for an early morning walk again.

Fire escape, reflections, window with lighthouse design.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′36″N 3°29′50″W
Yacht on river.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′33″N 3°29′56″W
Blue boat.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′37″N 3°29′53″W
The quay. I really like ‘which is deep’.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′39″N 3°29′55″W

Later, we went out to play on the northern beach.

Railway line entering Teignmouth.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′59″N 3°29′20″W
Large sign on Sprey Point.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 50°33′15″N 3°29′1″W
Fenced-off section of pier.
1/500 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′39″N 3°29′36″W
Evening sun over the River Teign.
1/1000 at f11, 23mm, ISO160 50°32′32″N 3°29′55″W

That’s all! It was a nice holiday; we all had a good time.

All images © Samuel Marshall. All rights reserved.