

My brother and his family live in Matlock, which is a pretty small town (either way you read that) in the Peak District. They invited both my family and my parents to visit; we stayed in a house near theirs.


We all took the train to the even prettier and smaller nearby town of Cromford. To start with, we walked around by the river and the bottom of the cliff.

Main road bridge.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′39″N 1°33′11″W
Stream running into the river.
1/250 at f5.6, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′37″N 1°33′17″W
Rocks in the cliff...
1/60 at f4, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′35″N 1°33′25″W
...and a tree in the cliff.
1/60 at f4, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′35″N 1°33′26″W

We had lunch in a café, then set off toward Cromford‘s main attraction, the historic mills (which I've visited before). Bizarrely, these were occupied by a Dalek (and lots of other SF characters) because there was a Comicon in progress.

After one of the party ditched us for that event, we crossed to the canal basin - next to which was, I don‘t know why, a model railway exhibition. It‘s all go in Cromford. After looking at that we took a short walk down the canal to see the dinosaur before finishing the day in another café.

White house with interesting windowsill.
1/250 at f5.6, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′31″N 1°33′26″W
Gateway by the end of the canal.
1/30 at f4, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′34″N 1°33′16″W
View from canal towards railway line.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′31″N 1°33′6″W
Presumably some kind of crane, by the end of the canal.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°6′33″N 1°33′13″W

I woke up in the middle of the night and took a picture out of the window. Matlock‘s crane (folded up for the night) was visible from almost everywhere in the town, although it was due to leave shortly after us.

View over Matlock with yellow crane.
1/4 at f1.8, 5mm, ISO4000 53°8′14″N 1°33′30″W


Our idea of a high-effort day with a three-year-old was if we maybe make it to a Costa, but my brother is made of sterner stuff, and leads countryside walks for the local toddlers (with their parents, he‘s not a complete idiot). This one was to Matlock Bath. It‘s not very far but there is a big hill in the way.

Looking back along a lane.
1/60 at f7.1, 23mm, ISO160 53°7′51″N 1°33′41″W
Through a gate into the mist.
1/125 at f7.1, 23mm, ISO160 53°7′42″N 1°33′43″W
Interesting light deep in the woods.
1/100 at f1.8, 5mm, ISO400 53°7′32″N 1°33′45″W

In Matlock Bath we visited the mining museum, which has lots of small tunnels you can climb up/down (for children disappointed by the sad lack of chimney-based employment opportunities).

This is not a climbable bit. Might be an actual chimney.
1/30 at f4, 23mm, ISO1600 53°7′9″N 1°33′44″W


View out of bedroom window at a barn.
1/560 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO25 53°8′14″N 1°33′29″W

We took a short walk around and near the town on our own.

Sign for carpet shop.
1/500 at f7.1, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′11″N 1°33′20″W
Crane (unfolded), wall, and view over Matlock.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′8″N 1°33′35″W
Building and garden walls, and another town view.
1/125 at f9, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′12″N 1°33′31″W
Somebody‘s back yard.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′13″N 1°33′29″W
Looking down from Matlock bridge.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′16″N 1°33′22″W

I joined my parents for an evening walk, abandoning the rest of my family. We walked across town and (on roads) up the hill on the other side.

Red fence and car; post delivery office.
1/60 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′20″N 1°33′16″W
Rectangular gateway (open).
1/30 at f4.5, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′22″N 1°33′13″W
Arched gateway (closed).
1/60 at f3.2, 23mm, ISO400 53°8′29″N 1°33′4″W

There used to be a cable-powered tramway to make it easier to get up the fairly steep street, but we just had to walk.

Part of the tramway depot; remnants of its chimney stack behind.
1/100 at f1.8, 5mm, ISO125 53°8′37″N 1°32′58″W
1/60 at f5.6, 23mm, ISO400 53°8′30″N 1°33′3″W

The attraction at the top of the tramway (not the top of the hill; we walked a little further up) was the ‘hydropathic hotel‘, which is now the headquarters of Derbyshire county council.

Tall chimney.
1/60 at f6.4, 23mm, ISO400 53°8′31″N 1°33′3″W
View of distant Riber Castle.
1/50 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO320 53°8′29″N 1°32′56″W
The Hydro chimney again with fancy rooftop ironwork, and cables.
1/50 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO100 53°8′30″N 1°33′0″W
Two-storey bridge between buildings! Nice.
1/30 at f8, 23mm, ISO200 53°8′32″N 1°33′3″W
Final view of that chimney.
1/30 at f4, 23mm, ISO400 53°8′31″N 1°33′1″W
Yellow railing next to the cop shop.
1/30 at f4, 23mm, ISO400 53°8′21″N 1°33′14″W


There is a preserved railway from Matlock; it continues a few stops after the real railway ends. Would be more useful if they hadn’t got rid of it in the first place, but on the flip side: our son’s first trip on a steam train! (He wasn’t all that bothered.)

Looking back at the engine.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′28″N 1°34′3″W
The train stopped so the engine could run round to the front.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′27″N 1°33′58″W
Very nice red paint on this sign.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′27″N 1°33′59″W
The 1960s BR logo is much better, but this ‘on drugs’ version is entertaining, I mean what.
1/250 at f4.5, 23mm, ISO160 53°10′27″N 1°36′34″W
Steam trains: probably not the cleanest mode of transport.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°10′26″N 1°36′34″W

From the terminus (after lunch in their quite nice café) we took a short riverside walk.

Green leaves, sunlight, water.
1/1000 at f4, 23mm, ISO160 53°10′41″N 1°36′39″W
Tree by river.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°10′44″N 1°36′44″W

Then train back.

Guard van framing a volunteer doing some painting.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°10′23″N 1°36′33″W
The steam engine had a hole in it.
1/30 at f5, 23mm, ISO160 53°8′15″N 1°33′29″W

In the evening we went to Matlock Bath (by bus this time) for a meal out – pizza in a pub – and a short walk afterwards.

Footbridge in Matlock Bath.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°7′3″N 1°33′37″W


R wanted a trip to Chatsworth, which is relatively nearby: two buses, the second one being a very nice open-top job.

View from bus, near Ashford in the Water.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′21″N 1°42′44″W
View from bus, Chatsworth estate.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′33″N 1°37′5″W

We’ve visited before so this time we just did the garden, which is very nice and substantially more three-year-old-appropriate than the house.

Has some nudie statues though...
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′39″N 1°36′39″W
As well as properly dressed ones.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′34″N 1°36′39″W

There is a ridiculously powerful fountain, built to impress the Czar of Russia, who then didn’t visit.

Fountain jet against clouds.
1/1900 at f2.4, 7mm, ISO25 53°13′29″N 1°36′43″W
Back of house.
1/1000 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′30″N 1°36′43″W

It’s not visible at this size but the house has gold lettering near the roof: ‘Cavendo Tutus’, which is Latin for ‘Far too much ****ing money’.

Somebody sitting between hedges near the maze.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′26″N 1°36′35″W
Tree roots.
1/125 at f4, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′23″N 1°36′35″W
Dead tree that looks like a rabbit.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′20″N 1°36′21″W
Door under the grotto.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′20″N 1°36′21″W
Building at top of the cascade.
1/500 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°13′35″N 1°36′22″W


On our last day we visited Bakewell, where we neglected to eat a Bakewell tart.

Tall rounded window with clear, blue, red, and boarded-up sections.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°12′50″N 1°40′36″W
Nicely painted doors.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°12′50″N 1°40′37″W

We went to the ‘Old House Museum’, which is great and has (toy) rats you can try to spot in all the rooms.

View through window into garden, some interesting panes.
1/60 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°12′48″N 1°40′47″W
Is there anything about this doll that isn’t creepy?
1/60 at f3.2, 23mm, ISO2000 53°12′48″N 1°40′47″W
View through rain toward church.
1/125 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°12′48″N 1°40′47″W
Bakewell church, looking slightly ominous.
1/250 at f8, 23mm, ISO160 53°12′47″N 1°40′42″W

In the evening we got a takeaway meal and, later, R and I took a walk around nearby parts of Matlock.

Matlock Glass.
1/460 at f1.8, 5mm, ISO25 53°8′19″N 1°33′6″W
Church with illuminated clock.
1/50 at f1.8, 5mm, ISO500 53°8′2″N 1°33′5″W

That’s it! The next day we were back to slightly-less-picturesque Milton Keynes.

All images © Samuel Marshall. All rights reserved.